Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ass Handed to Us

* The Trucking Cowboy Posts *

Gross. The only thing I'll say about last week, I said in the title. Wow. The Patriots kicked our butts. I was hoping for some kind of mortal combat defensive showing by Dallas, but instead Sheriff Brady dealt out some finishing moves worthy only of the Scorpion himself. Dirty. Now, the uncertainty. Will the Cowboys will go up or down? I hope they rebound fiercely against the Vikings and avoid falling into that pit of shame teams share, who come out swinging undefeated-swagger the first five games of the season, then turn out to be the morons of the league by finishing out at 500. That would make me have "Night of the Living Carnitas" in my guts and brains (great title by the way Durham; http://www.jddurham.blogspot.com/).

New England Patriots 44,000 Dallas Cowboys 24 F
Special thanks to the state of Iowa for having free high speed internet at all IA rest area locations, an attribute far exceding the progress of most of the other fortynine.

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