Sunday, February 5, 2012

Re Establishing Contact

"ohhHH, The Times They Are A - Changin'"

Dogs outside my window
Cold winter day
Rain drizzes down
From time to time.
But, still,
They frolic and play.
Cold Winter Day.

poetry by Justin Warren Graham

Hello, "cookies", in French this means, "Fucker's" with an emphasis on the "er's", and what that means, a reference to you, the reader, it addresses you! Hello, Fucker! How are you!
Memories of a Frenchman I once knew,
Still do
To my friend, Benjamin Marchal;
Eah, fuckeir, how are you?
FROM: Justin in TEXAS.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children, Friends;
Welcome back. Indeed, the splashing of cold water will shock the body and therefore the mind to places unseen by the imagination. And such things will do by the echoing of life and age. Experience.
I'm wracking up the XP now! The Golden Book of Life declares;
"He who finds a wife, has found a great thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.", (Proverbs 18:22).
And so, I say to you fuckeirs reading this now,
I am married, life has changed muy rapido,
que paso, le bambino?


R.A. Ryan said...

glad to've come across your blog, after a search for "creeks west texas" led me to your youtube channel. got some catching up to do. follow your heart.

Justin Warren Graham said...

Hey, thanks, Bob. I've lost touch with this blog for awhile but hope to gear it back up again. Keep it alive.

The Thoughts and Times of
