Thursday, September 30, 2010

Definitions of the Vacuum

Well, not much to say really. Actually, there is more than your mind can imagine. The details of my life are like the sandy grains of a shoreline, desert, mountainline. Like a ship lost at sea with an angry stomach, this way and that, no control if I wanted to.

The abyssal is full of barking dogs that never shut up. Nevermind.

The great difficulty of our time is to discover how to maintain the past course of maps. To not completely lose all that is where we've been. Our history will always and forever define us. Our past, both physical and spiritual, is fact.
Existed as long as the universe. Consciousness aligned with matter on a plane.
Experience is our feeling, our sense of doorway. The door. The connection that binds together two rooms, both powers of the magnetic poles, positive / negative.

This begins to explain the vacuum.

Friends, and Question.
My disparage over the last three months of pay.

After the first month of ranchhand capentry work:

Title LINK takes you to:
Featured Artist, George "Chicken" Zupp and his dog Haas, Redford Texas, 2010.
If you would like to visit my youtube site, scroll down to the video bar at the bottom of the page.

Thank You

Sunday, September 26, 2010

le /negete' ~ Negetism

Concerning darkness, or the time period of calender day which is night.

Cotton Module Nocturn, oil on cardboard, "4x6", 2008.


The Thoughts and Times of
