Thursday, December 31, 2009


On the morning of that first day I would come to the collection that the kingdom of my fore-fathers was no more than an old, broken bottomed, glass Coca Cola bottle lying discarded in the desert. Hecho in Mexico. Andy Warhol, you were right.

December 31, 2009. 12:40 a.m. CST

The moon shines twice.
Here. Blue to it they name.
Sequence compound with sign.
To the most compound,

Only among a time.
Light. Shines twice here.
anno Domini.

And death will flee from us all.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Narrative Apocolypto

Title link takes you to some more pictures I've been producing. This is of a line that I am continuing on to canvas.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Uvalde Leader News

The link goes to the Uvalde Leader News website where they shared a write up about some of my art. The article is toned down a lot as I think much of the information I gave the reporter was not even breeching her stratosphere. I'm grateful for the hometown publicity anyhow.

The Thoughts and Times of
